One-to-one tutoring

We offer flexible face-to-face and online options to suit everyone’s needs


Flexible online tutoring

We have an excellent team of qualified teachers who are experienced in delivering engaging online lessons to learners with complex needs.

Face-to-face tutoring in Luton

ExpertEase has been providing face-to-face tutoring in Luton and the surrounding areas since 2016.

We work predominantly with schools and local authorities supporting learners who require an extra boost or who are disengaged with learning.

Our curriculum

ExpertEase offers personalised programmes of support to young people facing difficulties accessing mainstream education.

We aim to mirror the curriculum previously studied by our learners to ensure the best possible success in ensuring a smooth transition back into mainstream education.

KS3 – English, Maths, Science and PSHE

KS4 – Functional skills English and Maths, GCSE, English, Maths, Combined Science,  PSHE

Post 16 – Functional skills English and Maths, GCSE, English Language, Engish Literature, Maths & Combined Science, AAT level 1 Bookkeeping, AAT Level 1 Business skills, AAT level 2 Accounting

Online – English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science, Sociology, Business, AAT accounting

*Other courses available subject to demand